Welcome to Parkside Gardens

At Parkside Gardens, we don’t just grow plants; we cultivate experiences, nurture dreams, and bring nature’s wonders closer to you. As a cherished, family-owned, and operated business, we’ve had the pleasure of serving our community for an impressive 27 years.

Our Greenhouse Legacy

For nearly three decades, we’ve been dedicated to providing you with the best gardening experience possible. Our passion for cultivating beauty and quality knows no bounds. We pride ourselves on growing an extensive selection of over hundreds of unique flowering plants, a bounty of delicious vegetables, fragrant herbs, resilient perennials, and nurturing nursery selections.

Branching Out for You

Five years ago, we recognized an exciting opportunity to extend our horticultural expertise to the wonderful community in Neepawa. Setting up a temporary greenhouse structure in the heart of Neepawa, right in the Co-op Grocery Store parking lot, was our way of bringing our exceptional products even closer to you.

Growing Together

Continuing our journey to connect with more amazing communities, three years ago, we ventured into St. Rose, MB. You can now find us in the local Grocery Mart’s parking lot, where we’re thrilled to share our love for plants with new friends and neighbors.

At Parkside Gardens, it’s not just about what we grow; it’s about the beauty, joy, and growth we bring to your life through nature. Join us on this blooming adventure, and let’s create green memories together!